Letter: Common sense in order over bridge opening

Mearclough bridge in Sowerby BridgeMearclough bridge in Sowerby Bridge
Mearclough bridge in Sowerby Bridge
After reading your article regards Mearclough bridge in Sowerby Bridge, firstly I would like to congratulate the council on seeing sense at last in reopening the bridge.

I have five drivers in my household and it has made our lives a lot easier having the bridge open.

Not only has it saved us a lot of time in being able to pass over the bridge but it has helped to save the environment from a lot of pollutants caused by the excessive mileage we have had to do in taking an alternative route during the year long closure.

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I feel sure this would also alleviate all the extra traffic that has been forced past the Gleddings school, which must add to the safety of the pupils at that primary school.

I am a full supporter of the weight and width restrictions placed upon the bridge so that it is not possible for all the foreign HGVs, that have caused all the damage to the bridge in recent history, to be able to enter it.

I do think that the width restrictions seem to be a little excessive, because if you are not 100 per cent in line with the access from the Wakefield Road end, then you run a very real risk of damaging your vehicle.

I think a little tweaking of that entry would be very advisable as the only real objective is to stop HGVs from attempting to enter the bridge. I know of very many businesses and private individuals that are grateful of this development, but think a little common sense is in order, and not just sticking to the ‘book’ as far as regulations are concerned, since this is a unique road layout.

Michael Wisniewskif, by email

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